ECOLM - An Electronic Corpus of Lute Music

The web application - browsing


This page displays citations of articles and books (including scores) linked to the individual piece, source or person you have selected.

Please bear in mind that, for example, an article on the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book may be linked only to the source itself on the database. This means that when looking for articles that might contain general background for an individual piece, you may have to check this page as both the source’s bibiliography and the piece’s. If an article or book has something speceific to say about a piece, it should be in that piece’s bibliography, but some references will always be missed.

You should also note that we make no claims for completeness regarding the supplied bibliographies they are added to as the contributors use them and are intended as a guide only.

This page shows authored, co-authored and edited publications when called up for a modern author. Again, this is not a complete list, in this case it will only contain publications that have been used elsewhere in the database
